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On February 24th, the first project meeting outside of Madrid took place at the Instituto Técnico de Lisboa (IST), in the city of Lisbon, Portugal. The researchers from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and the Universidad de Extremadura (UNEX) reunited with Professor João de Abreu and the researcher José Estanislau for a two-hour meeting to discuss the last advances on the project.

Daniel Casquero and Iria López, researchers from UPM, explained the socioeconomic data from Madrid Case Study, and also how they calculated a representative sample for the future survey, part of Work Package 4 of the project. The survey to be distributed in Madrid was reviewed item by item in the session and the members also contributed with important considerations to adapt it for the Lisbon Case Study. Professors Óscar Martinez and David Lois also participated in the meeting connected from Madrid.

Professor Joao de Abreu also took the Spanish researchers in a field trip in the corridors that are part of the Lisbon Case Study. This way, the members from UPM and UNEX could know more about the urban mobility dynamics within the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. They also visited interesting spots for delivering the card surveys.

U-MOVE members at the IST